Top 10 Men’s Health Risks
Hundreds of thousands of men die every year from diseases that can be caused by lifestyle choices and preventable disease. That’s the bad news.
The good news? We believe you can rewrite the story. Through choosing healthy habits, better diet, and more exercise, you can reduce your risks of these serious diseases and improve your outcomes before, during, and after diagnosis.

Heart Disease
Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 384,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2021. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Lung Cancer
Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

Leukemia and Lymphoma
Heart disease is consistently the top killer of men in America. Over 380,000 deaths were attributed to heart disease in 2022. Of that, a shocking 90% were estimated to be preventable.

You have cancer.
Gabe Canales heard the words that no one can ever imagine hearing… until they do. What happened next is a story of reclaiming a life of health and happiness, one step at a time.
Unexpected Diagnosis explores how our lifestyle and diet have a deep connection to outcomes for diseases that are typically attributed to genetics or bad luck. Improving your outcome and curing our society’s health crisis may be more attainable than we
ever thought.

Own your health, don’t let it own you.
If you’re ready to take ownership of your health and wellness to create better future outcomes for you and your family, we’re here to be your biggest cheerleader.
Take the pledge and sign up for our Newsletter to keep you on track.