Men’s Health Month Tour
June is Men’s Health Month. We’re traveling through Texas to spread the word.

“Most men ignore their health until there is a problem. Improving outcomes is really about improving lifestyles before problems arise.”
Mayor Turner of Houston meets with Blue Cure to talk about prevention and awareness.
Men’s Health Tour.
Men’s annual checkups and cancer screenings have dropped off dramatically in the years since COVID, with Black and Hispanic men widening the gap in racial health disparities. We know these routine check-ups and screenings save lives.
The 2023 Blue Cure Men’s Health tour will inspire men across Texas and America to take simple but life-saving action. The Tour will:
- encourage men to schedule an annual physical and educate them on what their numbers mean
- start meaningful conversations on racial equity in men’s health and getting Black and Hispanic men to their annual checkups and cancer screenings
- raise awareness of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC’s) for uninsured and underserved that offer services on a sliding fee scale
- promote the benefits of healthy lifestyle habits like eating more high-fiber, nutrient-dense plant foods (vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes), moving (exercise) more, managing stress, and getting sleep.
In 2019, Blue Cure Founder and prostate cancer survivor Gabe Canales visited 40+ cities across America to raise awareness and get men to take life-saving action for their mental and physical health. He appeared on television stations, was interviewed by newspapers and met with elected officials and public health officers. While COVID put the Road Tour on ice in 2020 and 2021, Blue Cure resumed in 2022 with a Texas Tour, and we return in full strength for 2023.
The 2023 tour will take place in three phases: in June for Men’s Health Month, in September for National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and in November for No Shave November, hitting 7-10 cities in each wave, for a total reach of 21-30 cities throughout the United States.

Heart disease killed 382,776 Americans in 2022. 90% of those deaths were deemed preventable.
That’s nearly 350,000 preventable deaths that could have been prevented with better health and lifestyle practices.
Other top killers in America:

69,776 Deaths
80% Preventable

Lung Cancer
69,776 Deaths
80% Preventable

69,776 Deaths
80% Preventable
It starts with lifestyle.
When it comes to prioritizing heath, many men simply don’t know where to start. To make it easy, we’ve broken down your health and prevention actions items to our Six Pillars of Lifestyle Success.
Using these six lifestyle metrics, you’ll be on your way to reducing your risk to a litany of health risks and creating habits in your life that lead to better, healthier, and longer lives.

You have cancer.
Gabe Canales heard the words that no one can ever imagine hearing… until they do. What happened next is a story of reclaiming a life of health and happiness, one step at a time.
Unexpected Diagnosis explores how our lifestyle and diet have a deep connection to outcomes for diseases that are typically attributed to genetics or bad luck. Improving your outcome and curing our society’s health crisis may be more attainable than we
ever thought.

Own your health, don’t let it own you.
If you’re ready to take ownership of your health and wellness to create better future outcomes for you and your family, we’re here to be your biggest cheerleader.
Take the pledge and sign up for our Newsletter to keep you on track.